Emotional Intelligence Training
Effective emotion management in a nutshell - feel empowered, at ease and calm & learn how to connect on a deeper level!

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  • Preferred option
    Online Course$111.00
  • Preferred option
    Online Course + Coaching Session$222.00

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To me the emotional intelligence training was really effective, because it gave me a theoretical frame, the words and insights to understand and be more aware of my emotional make up. It also contains a few simple and effective exercises to release, and feel, blocked emotions. Veronika is a skilled and intuitive teacher. Even online she reaches out ‘beyond the screen’ and guided me through the maze of my (inner child) emotions.

Dick Pasman,

The Emotional Intelligence Training really helped me better understand the conflicting turmoil of emotion within me and helped me better address them. It helped my mind and heart open up to the world and be less stressed and afraid about myself and my emotions. 

Aditya Bharadwaj,

The Emotional Intelligence Training has been an eye-opening experience. As a person with difficulties dealing with my own emotions and the ones from others, learning how to more effectively manage certain emotional situations gave me more security and confidence, especially when supporting other people that are going through difficult times.

What You'll Learn:
The Emotional Intelligence Training teaches you how to create healthy relationships through learning the 4 fundamental relationship skills, that everyone needs to know. Most people have never learnt how to relate to others in a healthy way, so they stumble from partner to partner or stay unhappy in their relationship for years - just because they don’t know these simple tools. It’s like trying to build a house with a rocky foundation - not a good idea! This training is a crashkurs in relationship skills, helping you to:
communicate with authenticity

prioritise your own needs

feel empowered to ask for what you want 

understand emotions in relationships 

In a nutshell: 

Emotional intelligence skills are the foundation for successful relationships - you can have a great partner/boss/family members but if you don’t know the basics of healthy relating, the relationship can be terrible!
  • Total payment
  • 1xEmotional Intelligence Training$0

All prices in USD
