Alchemy of Love
Transform Negative Patterns into Positive Relationships filled with Connection, Respect and Understanding

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  • Preferred option
    Coaching Session$130.00
  • Preferred option
    5 Coaching Sessions (Bundle: $150 discount!)$500.00

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What's Included:
  Online Program:

Available at a time that suits you, I’ll fit into your schedule with weekly online video or audio calls.

  Session Summary:

After each session you’ll get a summary of observations from the previous session, tied into actions you can take to make change.

  Master The Art Of Conscious Relating: 

Everything you learn in Alchemy of Love will not just transform your romantic relationships but will help you create respectful and mutual relationships with your friends, family and colleagues.
  • Total payment
  • 1xAlchemy of Love$0

All prices in USD
